

Inpatient Services at Langdon Prairie Health

General Medical Inpatient Unit
As an inpatient, you are under the care of our exceptional doctors, nurses, and additional health care professionals at Langdon Prairie Health. Some of our inpatient services include:

Swing Bed Services

At Langdon Prairie Health, we understand that some patients need skilled services before safely returning to their homes after hospitalization from a major illness or surgery, and swing bed services provide a practical alternative to a skilled care facility. Through our services, patients receive exceptional skilled care to maximize their health and rehabilitation so they can return home.

Respite Care

We can provide short-term relief for in-home hospice caregivers through our respite care program, which enables the caregiver to rest and recover from the demands of daily in-home care. Respite care is also appropriate when a patient’s medical condition warrants a short-term inpatient stay for pain or other symptoms that cannot be managed at home. When do you need respite care?
  • Due to physical or emotional exhaustion
  • Needing help with complex pain or other symptoms
  • Coverage while attending an important or required event
  • For personal illness and recovery time

Hospice Care

Hospice is end-of-life care provided by a team of healthcare professionals; it focuses on the comfort and quality of life of a person who is terminally ill. Hospice care helps to reduce pain and discomfort while also addressing physical, psychological, social and, often, spiritual needs. Hospice care also provides counseling and support to families.

Hospice is a Medicare benefit; it is also covered at varying levels by most private health insurance, and by Medicaid in North Dakota.

Langdon Prairie Heath partners with Hospice Red River Valley to provide hospitalization for hospice patients when necessary.


Wondering about a service or
procedure that you don’t see here?

Call 701-256-6100 for more information.
We look forward to caring for you and your family.
Offering high-quality, compassionate healthcare to all we serve.

Tel:  701-256-6100 
909 2nd St., Langdon, ND 58249
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