

A Gift You Can Give:
Planning Ahead with
Advance Directives

Advance directives empower you to make important decisions about your healthcare in advance, ensuring your wishes are respected even if you cannot communicate them yourself. By planning ahead, you relieve your loved ones from making difficult decisions during challenging times.

Assistance with Advance Directives

Langdon Prairie Health offers support with advance care planning. If you have questions or need help completing an advance directive, please contact our Advance Care Planning Certified Facilitator at 701-256-6189 to schedule an appointment.

What is Advance
Care Planning?

Advance care planning involves making decisions about the care you would want if you become unable to speak for yourself.
This process is guided by your personal values, preferences, and discussions with your loved ones. These wishes are documented in an advance directive, a legal document that becomes effective only if you are incapacitated.
Key Components of Advance Care Planning:
  • Selecting a Healthcare Agent
    Choose someone you trust to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
  • Defining Treatment Preferences
    Decide what types of treatments you would want in case of a life-limiting illness or injury.
  • Documenting Your Wishes
    Put your decisions in writing through an advance directive to ensure they are followed.

Why Have an
Advance Directive?

Without an advance directive, your loved ones and healthcare providers may have to guess your preferences during a medical crisis. An advance directive removes uncertainty and ensures that your care aligns with your wishes.

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

What is an Advance Directive? 
An advance directive is a legal document that allows you to:

• Give instructions about your healthcare.
• Choose a healthcare agent to make decisions on your behalf.
• Specify your wishes for end-of-life care and other medical treatments.
Who Should I Appoint as My Healthcare Agent?
Your healthcare agent should be someone you trust, who knows your values and 
is willing to carry out your wishes.
Can I Still Make My Own Healthcare Decisions
After Signing an Advance Directive? 
Yes, you can make your own healthcare decisions as long as you are able. 
The advance directive only takes effect if you are incapacitated.
Do I Need an Attorney to Complete an Advance Directive? 
No, an attorney is not required, but you may consult one if you have legal questions.
Where Should I Keep My Advance Directive? 
Keep the original document in an easily accessible place and provide copies to your healthcare provider,
agent, and close family members.
How Often Should I Review My Advance Directive?
Review your directive regularly, especially after significant life events like a new decade,
death of a loved one, divorce, diagnosis of a serious condition, or a decline in health. 


CPR Facts

CPR may not be as effective as commonly believed, especially in individuals with chronic health conditions or the elderly. It works best when administered quickly to a healthy individual.


What to Know About Ventilators

Ventilators are machines that assist with breathing by pushing air into the lungs through a tube inserted into the trachea. Long-term use may require a tracheotomy, a more comfortable alternative to intubation.


Artificial Nutrition and Hydration

If you cannot eat or drink, nutrition and hydration can be provided through a feeding tube or IV. While beneficial in recovery, artificial nutrition at the end of life may not prolong life and could be harmful.

Advance Directives
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Ready to Schedule an Appointment?

 For more information or scheduling, please contact us at any of our locations.
No referrals are needed.
Offering high-quality, compassionate healthcare to all we serve.

Tel:  701-256-6100 
909 2nd St., Langdon, ND 58249
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