Here we are again writing to you from the Langdon Prairie Health Foundation office. We hope this letter finds you warm & comforted in this upcoming season of everything “Hustle n Bustle”! We’ve had a great year here at LPH Foundation and we are looking forward to many more prosperous years to come. Thank you to you all for your continued support and generosity you’ve shown and shared with us. And now, a little recap…
In May of this year, we awarded 5 students with $1000 through our scholarship program. Two scholarships went to Langdon High School seniors and three of them were awarded to Munich High School students. This scholarship is offered to those two schools as well as Edmore and Walhalla. In June, we held our 27th Annual Golf Tournament at Langdon Country Club and brought in just over $24,000! It was a great day with 66 golfers in attendance. We also held our annual Blood Drive that month through Vitalant. In August we served close to 380 plates at our Annual Family Fun night & picnic held at St. Alphonsus—which was so fun and well-loved in our community! We also continue our memorial program, and our Free Nutrition Program through Cavalier County Senior Meals & Services. This is offered for those 60 years or older with two weeks of FREE meals after being discharged from our local hospital. We are working on expanding this to Walhalla in the very near future. We continue to fund the sports Physicals to our local and surrounding community student athletes for both Langdon & Walhalla clinics. This has been a huge hit for our local students as it allows for a Provider and student trusting relationship! In October, we held our Annual Meeting out at the beautiful Frost Fire Park. We offered a nice meal for our Executive Team, LPH Board of Directors, LPH Foundation Directors, Providers, and all spouses/significant others. This is our 2nd year of this fun evening gathering and it’s very appreciated by everyone. It’s a great way for the Foundation to show appreciation to our administration and providers and it helps build and sustain a comradery with the hospital. So many good and positive things are happening with even more to come in our future…
With that being said, we would like to say WELCOME to our NEW CEO, Wayne Reid to our facility! He started on October 16th and we sure hope he can call Langdon and our surrounding community “HOME” (just like many of you once did or still do). We hope he settles in smoothly and we couldn’t be more excited for you to meet him. In my short time with him, I can confidently say that I think we’ve “found him”. Thanks for giving LPH a chance, Mr. Reid!
Now back to fundraising…our ever so loved event Lights, Stars, & Diamonds is upon us. With the holidays and giving season nearing, we are once again asking you for your consideration in participating our 34th year! Your involvement matters to us! Our local communities joined together a long time ago to build a stable and quality healthcare facility in our county. Could you help us keep this same momentum going forward? We are asking for your support by ensuring we can continue to provide close to home care—care that you DESERVE and DESIRE! Charitable giving is a personal investment in making our hospital a safe and up-to-date place for patients to come through our doors. So far this year, LPH Foundation has purchased a Carbon Monoxide Monitor, a Vein Finder, and a Bladder scanner for our facility. All three of these pieces of equipment are new additions we’ve never actually had before! This is all because of you, our Donors!
Participating in our event is a very special way to honor or remember a loved one that you may miss, especially this time of year. Lights, Stars, and Diamonds may be purchased by filling out the coupon below and returned by Monday, December 1st via mail or drop off at our local hospital. Last year we raised over $12,000! The funds raised for this event will be used to keep our facility with quality equipment & updates. Remember, your contribution is tax deductible!
Online giving! Visit the link below or scan the QR code to the right with your smart phone camera and follow the prompts to donate online!
Link: If you would like to make a general monetary donation you can now do that online by visiting
"Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas to you and yours & God bless you all." - McKinzie
Our Foundation Executive Director is expecting her 2nd baby around December 16th timeframe. This is the reason our event is being ran a bit earlier than normal. Thank you for your understanding during this time of transition for her family. With this, we will not be participating in the Mingle & Jingle event hosted by the Langdon Chamber this year. However, we WILL be LIVE on the radio with a reading of the names on Wednesday, December 6th at 2PM in the afternoon. Grab a coffee & cookie and enjoy the ceremony by tuning into KNDK 1080 AM or 98.7 FM. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out!